Exercise – enjoy the Benefits
Prevention is cheaper than treatment:
“It is undoubtedly easier to prevent disease than to treat it,
and like-wise less expensive. “Use the APT because long term restriction of movement in
joints and muscles, can result in reduction of elasticity and shortening of muscles and
connective tissue [ knee, hip, elbow, shoulder.]” Therapists’ Thesis, T. Botnero, PT, I. Cohen, PT
“Physical exercise enhances …
The immune function. It improves circulation maintaining
the elasticity of blood arteries and tones the respiratory
[ breathing ] system. It further helps [ bowel movements ].
It fights depression and improves mood. Naturalizes stress, allowing greater relaxation and
sounder sleep.” Dr. A. Weil
“Any program that intends to optimize the body’s healing potential, must include regular exercise.” Dr. A. Weil
Exercising is not futile:
even those sedentary can improve function
Physical activity is a legitimate medical therapy for Dementia prevention.
Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose, PT, PhD, UBC
If you are using a wheelchair, scooter, walker, cane –
if you wish to avoid complications for lack of movement,
then contact us by email – or
call us at 604 729 7272
If you have MS, Stroke, are Para or Quadriplegic, spinal cord or head injury, C.P., or simply need to improve circulation, strengthen muscles, improve joint flexibility, then —